Portrait #1240

Additional Details

  • Subject/Title:Beatty, William Henry
  • Artist:Unknown
  • Date Created:ca. 1789
  • Owner/Location:Private Collection
  • Frame Dimensions:2 3/4 x 2 1/2
  • Image Dimensions:2 1/4 x 1 3/4
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  • Materials/Media:watercolor
  • Date Documented:20 April 2008
  • Condition:Excellent
  • Description:This bust-length miniature is of an older man with gray hair combed toward the face, brown eyes looking at the viewer, and a high-necked white shirt under a black, also high-necked, coat. He has a gold stickpin (possibly) showing at the opening of the coat.
  • History:The locket has been passed down through six gerations of the Beatty family. It was inherited by the present owner from her father's sister, Frederika Beatty, and the subject is the owner's paternal great-great-great-grandfather.
  • Notes:Subject was born December 15, 1768 in Dublin, Ireland of parents Captain Samuel Beatty and Bridget O'Day. He was brought to America at two years of age. He was the first of the Beatty family to make a permanent home in America, and his profession was a shoemaker. He died in 1853 in Bladen County, NC.