Portrait #1654

Additional Details

  • Subject/Title:Currin, Elizabeth Jenkins
  • Artist:Cooper, William
  • Date Created:ca. 1830
  • Owner/Location:Private Collection
  • Frame Dimensions:39 x 34 1/2
  • Image Dimensions:29 1/2 x 24 1/2
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  • Materials/Media:Oil on canvas
  • Date Documented:2008
  • Condition:Excellent
  • Description:Subject is seated and wearing a black dress with a white collar and white bonnet tied with a bow uner her chin. Only her left hand is visible. Her dark hair is parted in the middle and revealed slightly in front of her bonnet.
  • History:Passed through the Currin, Bell and Murfree families.
  • Notes:Subject born in Williamson County Tennessee in 1794. She married Jonathan Currin in Williamson County in 1813. Mr. Currin built a mansion on the south side of Murfreesboro, of which Elizabeth was Mistress, as well as several buildings on the East side of the public square which still exist.