Portrait #278

Additional Details

  • Subject/Title:Drifoos, Leopold
  • Artist:Unknown
  • Date Created:ca. 1850
  • Owner/Location:Private Collection
  • Frame Dimensions:38 x 33
  • Image Dimensions:24 x 21
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  • Materials/Media:Oil on canvas
  • Date Documented:12/4/2003
  • Condition:Excellent
  • Description:Oval waist-length of a middle-aged man with tightly curled short black hair and mutton-chops down to his jaw line. His facing very slightly to his left. His cheeks are full and his prominent lips have a pursed quality. Dressed in black formal wear and white shirt, he has a fine piece of gold jewelry pinned to the front of his shirt.
  • Notes:Subject (1805 -1886) lived in Wilson County.