Portrait #239

Additional Details

  • Subject/Title:Greenlaw, Fannie Harrell
  • Artist:Unknown
  • Date Created:ca. 1850s
  • Owner/Location:Private Collection
  • Frame Dimensions:45 x 32
  • Image Dimensions:28 x 23.5
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  • Materials/Media:Oil on canvas
  • Date Documented:2/16/2003
  • Condition:Excellent
  • Description:Oval waist-length of a woman with dark brown hair parted in the middle and pulled back over her ears. She is wearing a black dress with a white lace collar and white lace bodice insert. A red broach is at her throat. Her left arm rests on a chair back (?). The background has dramatic coloring with red on the left and a colorful sunset sky on the right.
  • History:Writing on the back of the frame hard to read but might be "Trellis Paton."
  • Notes:Subject (1827-1874) died in Memphis