Portrait #208

Additional Details

  • Subject/Title:Hightower, Sarah Clements
  • Artist:Unknown
  • Date Created:ca. 1820s
  • Owner/Location:Private Collection
  • Frame Dimensions:41 x 35
  • Image Dimensions:28 x 24
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  • Materials/Media:Oil on canvas
  • Date Documented:1/31/2004
  • Condition:Good
  • Description:In waist-length oval, a young woman in a white dress trimmed with deep coral and blue ribbons. She is also wearing a tiara and long earrings. The background, especially visible on the left, contains a sunset and two entertwined trees on the back of a lake.
  • History:A copy by Jamie Tippens of Memphis, who was the owner's grandmother's cousin. See Note Below.
  • Notes:Subject was the daughter of a wealthy Williamson County farmer, and was the mother of Adelicia Acklen. (note from email to site: "Jamie Tippens was my mother, and I grew up with this portrait hanging over the fireplace in our home on 15th Ave. So., within sight of aunt Adelicia's home, Bellmont. My mother may have copied this, but I know this to be the original, as she was very proud of it. We lived in Nashville, not Memphis, Tennessee. Sara Clements Hightower was my great great grandmother.")