Additional Details

  • Subject/Title:Kirkman, John 1813-1888
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  • Artist:Dodge, John W.
  • Date Created:Aug. 27, 1841
  • Owner/Location:Private Collection
  • Frame Dimensions:unknown
  • Image Dimensions:unknown
  • Materials/Media:Painted on Ivory
  • Date Documented:2007
  • Condition:Excellent
  • Description: Bust of young man looking directly at the viewer. His dark hair is parted on his right and curls up above his ears. He is facing three-quarter left, and he wears a black coat and tie and white shirt. The background is clouds with some blue sky visible.
  • History:In pencil on the back "Painted by John W. Dodge of New York City"
  • Notes: John Kirkman was the son of Thomas Kirkman and Eleanor Jackson Kirkman of Nashville. He was first married to Catherine Hobson McNairy and second to Maria Adelaide Washington.