Description:A young Randal McGavock is standing in front of a column and red drape, right hand (complete with pinky ring) on hip and left hand holding a book. He is wearing a dark suit with a white vest. The frame is massive and elaborate.
History:Presented to the library by McGavock's great-niece, Margaret Lindsley Warden, in January 1966. The portrait was restored in 2002 by Cumberland Art Conservation Center.
Notes:Randal William McGavock was born in Nashville on 10 August 1826. He received an A.B. degree from the University of Nashville in October 1846 and a degree from Harvard Law School on 18 July 1849. McGavock married Seraphine Deery in 1855. From 1858 to 1859 he served as Mayor of Nashville. During the Civil War, McGavock was held as a prisoner of war from March to August 1862. He was killed in action at the Battle of Raymond, Mississippi, on 12 May 1863.