Portrait #1700

Additional Details

  • Subject/Title:Murfree Children
  • Artist:Baker, Ruth
  • Date Created:1987
  • Owner/Location:Private Collection
  • Frame Dimensions:42 x 44
  • Image Dimensions:35 x 36 3/4
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  • Materials/Media:Chalk, pastels
  • Date Documented:23 August 2008
  • Condition:Excellent
  • Description:The twin boys, Robert and John Murfree, are standing on either side of the ladder-backed chair where their sister, Virginia, is seated with her right hand on the chair seat and left in her lap. She is wearing a pink dress with a white pinafore and has a large pink bow on the right side of her curly brown hair. Robert, the boy on the viewer's left, is wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and brown trousers, and John is in a blue shirt and darker blue pants and has a watch on his left arm.
  • History:Commissioned work for Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bell Murfree.
  • Notes:Three children; daugher sitting, two sons standing. Daugher Virginia Shoop Phillips Murfree in First Grade; Twin sons Robert Brickell Murfree and John Phillips Murfree.